Pivotal Presentations is a Hybrid Program of Comprehensive Online Training with Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls

You Will Learn How to:
  • Efficiently & Confidently Assemble Your Treatment Plan
  • Significantly Elevate Your Verbal Skills
  • Handle Objections with Ease
  • Create Strong Financial Arrangements
  • Motivate Your Patient to Schedule
  • Take Insurance Responsibility & Stress off You
  • Utilize a Custom Treatment Plan Form
  • Present a Full Fee Treatment Plan, Even as a PPO
  • The Art of Closing the Case

To ensure success, not only will you have downloadable PDF's, checklists, and activities but this course gives you control of learning at your own pace and access to live coaching calls for all of the support you need for implementation each step of the way.

Coach Briean will prepare you for mastery of techniques and your eligibility for a Pivotal Presenter Award at the completion of your course.  

The Way We Were Taught to Prepare and Present Treatment Plans Doesn't Work....

We are taught to take limited breakdowns of coverage from an insurance company and calculate with allowables, downgrades, exclusions, waiting periods, bundling, deductibles, alternate benefits, non-covered services, frequency limitations, maximums, and MORE...and present a treatment plan based on this information. 

This leads to presentations and conversations that are very insurance driven and still leads to disappointment from the patient after choosing lower quality dentistry based on insurance contribution or frustration from surprise balances after insurance pays less than estimated.

What Are We Supposed To Do?

Is it really possible to have patient centered conversations about their dentistry?

Is it really possible to consistently have success when presenting treatment plans to our patients? 

Does a solution exist for all of the stress and confusion in treatment planning as a PPO? 

Is it really possible to first present the full fee of a treatment plan to a patient before calculating write off's?

I'm shouting from the roof top YES to all of these questions!

I've taken over two decades of experience and built a complete training system that will teach you a unique method how to stop using valuable time calculating PPO estimates for insurance driven conversations and learn how to focus on the dentistry important to the patient so you can move on to the close.

Imagine Yourself Delivering Powerful, Persuasive Presentations Every Time!

Signing up for Pivotal Presentations will get you instant access to training on proven systems that have been applied to thousands of treatment plans and it WORKS!

Start your pivotal journey to a confident, skilled, treatment coordinator who gets results!

Pivotal Presentations is an online course that gives you the skills and tools to implement a proven system you need for developing a confident and skilled treatment coordinator.

Inside your course you will find in-depth, easy to follow modules with an exact method of how to present with confidence and close cases.

This program focuses on 5 core areas with 12 modules full of relevant and valuable training. 

  • The Handoff
  • Preparing the Presentation
  • Presenting
  • The Close
  • Follow Up

If you put in the work - you will get results! 

Here's a sneak peek inside your 12 modules that is packed with a total of 45 video lessons with amazing material that take you on a journey from mindset, to preparation, delivery, and follow up.  Everything involved in case presentation and becoming an unstoppable treatment coordinator is inside this course!  

  • Module 1: New Mindset, New Result
  • Module 2: Elevating Your Language
  • Module 3: Preparing for Objections
  • Module 4: Foundations to Build Success
  • Module 5: The Handoff
  • Module 6: Preparing the Presentation
  • Module 7: It's Time to Present
  • Module 8: Documentation & Feedback
  • Module 9: Tracking & Follow Up
  • Module 10: Same Day Treatment Patients
  • Module 11: Bonus Training with Your Clinical Team
  • Module 12: Certificate of Completion & Award Application

Think about this...

How many treatment plans are left unscheduled in your practice? 
What does the loss total up to from 1, 2, or even 3 treatment plans that are not accepted?
What about the thousands of dollars of treatment plans pending in patients charts that no one knows the status of?
In reality, the cost of not closing treatment plans is something you cannot afford!

Imagine what having the confidence and skills to successfully present treatment to your patients will do...

One month from today.

Six months from today.

A year from today.

Invest in yourself, start the training, and start making a difference for your patients and in your career. 

Lifetime Access

Create Your Own Log In to the Course Library and Pivotal Presentations Will Ensure You Have Access to the Training Materials and Recordings with Your Purchase. 

Pivotal Presentations


Top features

  • 12 In Depth Training Modules
  • 45 Video Lessons
  • Printable PDF's and Checklists
  • Monthly Live Group Coaching Calls
  • Savings for 1 on 1 Coaching
  • Private Support Community for Course Attendees
  • Lifetime Access
  • Bonus Content for the Clinical Team
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Eligibility for a Pivotal Presenter Award
Purchase Your Course Here

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